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John Heartfield Has Answers
Do I Have A Good Idea For A Small Business?
This is one of the most common questions new clients ask me.
They say, "John, you've heard so many business ideas. Do I have a good idea for a business?"
Here's a good way to think about it:
1. You must believe you can do something better than 95 percent of your competition.
2. You should absolutely love what you'll be doing in your business.
So, for example, if you wanted to start a business selling sell cupcakes then you must believe:
"I can make better cupcakes than 95% percent of the cupcake makers I know."
"I love making cupcakes."
Small business is not all about "being your own boss" or "making lots of money" or "making your own hours."
Running a small business may be the rewarding work you'll ever do. But it's not the easiest way to make a living. eCurtain Media's goal is to help you avoid so many of the mistakes that can make it so much harder.
If you love what you'll be doing in your business, you know your customers, and you've researched your competition, you can succeed.
One more thing. If any "expert" tells you that you can't start a business and you're absolutely certain they’re wrong, you're probably the type of person who will be a great business owner.
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